Oblivion:Gweden conversations

Daedra worship may become prevalent in the Gweden Brothel
Daedra worship may become prevalent in the Gweden Brothel.

Talk amongst the staff

Did you see that Orc that came in here the other day? Hung like a horse!
That could be why Sugar was trying to eat him!

I heard that Darwen used be a dancer before she came here.
If I tried to dance the way she does, my breasts would beat me to death!

How are you getting along with Silanu?
Well she's kind of hard to get really close to.

Aren't Tsarrina and Mirabelle in competition?
Not really, Tsarrina's in it for the gold, but Mirabelle's doing it for the seamen.

You don't think Juliana brought the Itchy Pox with her from Chorrol, do you?
Why do you ask? I though you just got a bit itchy if you hadn't had a customer for a while.

Doesn't that Dremora girl EVER wear any clothes?
She doesn't have any! She tried some of mine and she said they rubbed her nipples so much she was afraid she'd forget to ask for gold!

Was Virgilia a virgin when she came here? She seems really young for a whore.
I gather most of the men in Leyawiin would tell you "no"!

Selena's such a helpful person. Always wanting to lend a hand.
If you're a man who'll pay, she lends more than her hand!

I know Dark-eyes wears that maid outfit because it reminds men of the book, but does she lift her tail, too?
It's probably a better question if she ever puts it down.

Cybeline's so tall! And she's an acrobat too!
But she does have to be careful she doesn't suffocate Bosmers.

How's business these days?
Slow, but sometimes I like slow. Slow ... and deep!

Do you think there are Goblin hookers? Or Ogre whores?
Now there's a really nasty thought! Still, the Goblins and Ogres might be less aggressive if there were, so I'd doubt it.

I wish Tsarrina would whip up a bit more business for us.
Whipping is Silanu's job, didn't you know?

Is it true that Freija's actually immortal?
Well she can't be killed, but I hate to think what happens when she grows old! Zombie customers?

I had a customer the other day that likes having his back scratched.
You'd better not introduce hum to Shulassa. He might get more than he's expecting!

Did you know Meena's horse was once a Unicorn?
She's been riding a lot of other things since she came here!

Responses to "Life at Gweden"

Maeva: Some of my customers remind me of my late husband, Bjalfi. But fortunately most of them can get it up!

Prizna: Could I get summoned back to Oblivion? No, I don't think so. Lord Dagon associates women with Creation, not Destruction, so HE' d never do it. And if there were a "Summon Dremora Slut" spell, the Kyn would never find time to fight!

Virgilia: Wear my armor? Yes, I suppose it would attract customers. But I'll always associate it with Goblins. I hate those creatures!

Cybeline: This dress? It's the one I was wearing when I met Gellius. It does get me noticed, doesn't it?

Darwen: I do like having a warm bath from time to time. If I tried that back in Bruma, I'd find icicles hanging off my nipples!

Sugar: This amulet? The inscription says "make love, not war". I may have been born an Orc, but business comes first.

Dark-eyes: Why do I still wear the maid outfit? Because they've all read the book! I just want the "huge spear" part to be real, too!

Tsarrina: M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. Maybe that's why he spends so much here. And no, his stick isn't fishy at all!
(Later) I'm feeling very content these days. Life's been much much better since you got rid of Faustina and Signy.

Silanu: Are the other girls jealous? No, I think they believe these are as heavy as they look, and feel more sympathetic than jealous. But if they ever find out about the feather spell, things could change!

Serena: Well, we're certainly busy, especially when Tsarrina throws a benefit night for the Legion. I wouldn't want to be out on the roads on those nights, there can't be anyone left patrolling!

Juliana: I like it here. I haven't had the urge to scratch once since I arrived!

Freija: Well, I've reconciled my not wanting to ask for gold, with the need to pay Tsarrina. My fighter training has come in useful with the few "difficult" customers. And I've had to heal a few older men who got too excited. And there's a few that make the job worth doing, if you know what I mean!

Shulassa: I feel like I really fit in here at Gweden. And so do my customers!

Meena: It's nice to have company other than Minotaurs. Especially men!

Nelrene: Sex is much more fun here than it was back in the Isles. The men here are actually sane! And they know what to do! I get laid, I get paid, what more could I need?

Goldie: I like it here. Sanguine would approve of this establishment.