Oblivion:Darwen the Bawdy Bosmer

Convince a Wood Elf there's a better life than hunting bears

  • Quest Giver: Tsarrina
  • Location(s): Gweden Farm
  • Prerequisite Quest: The Gweden Cathouse must be started
  • Next Quest: None
  • Reward: None directly
  • ID: GS07RecruitDarwen
The Red Light shines again

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Hear rumors about a drunken dancer
  2. Meet Darwen at a weekend and hear her story
  3. Watch her dance at Olaf's
  4. Tell her the truth
  5. Recruit her for Gweden

Detailed Walkthrough

Finding Darwen

Darwen spends her weekdays hunting for Bear Pelts, but you'll hear rumors in Bruma about what she gets up to at the weekend. If you are in Olaf's Tap and Tack in the evening on Loredas, you may see her. If not, she'll be in the chapel on Sundas with a hangover.

Wild Weekends

If you talk to her in the chapel, she will tell you that the little she makes from selling Bear Pelts is all going to pay Olav for what she drinks or breaks when she's dancing. She never seems to be able to get out of debt, but if she could, she'd happily leave Bruma for somewhere warmer.

Watch her dance on Loredas, and talk to Olav while she does so. He'll tell you that he doesn't want her to stop coming in because she attracts so many customers who like to watch her. He'll give her extra drinks to make sure she goes wild, and exaggerate the damage she's supposed to have caused, in order to keep her indebted to him.

Darwen will pass out after dancing for an hour.


Make sure you're outside the city walls when you tell her what Olav said, or she might want to go and kill him.

However, if you watched her dance before you talk to her in the chapel, then you can tell her there, while she's too hung over to kill him.

Warmth at last

Calm her down, and she'll realise that she's not really in debt and can finally leave the cold for a better life, which you hasten to suggest might be at Gweden. She'll ask about the bear hunting, but not too seriously.


Journal Entries

Darwen the Bawdy Bosmer (GS07RecruitDarwen)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 They're telling tales of a wood elf girl that paints the town red at weekends. I wonder if she's Gweden material?
20 I met Darwen, and she's quite a character! I need to find a way to bring up the subject of Gweden.
50 I think it would be a good idea to find out exactly what Darwen does get up to in Olav's on Loredas. I might end up taking her home myself.
60 Olav told me he was cheating Darwen to keep her coming back to the Tap and Tack. I wonder how she's going to take the news? I'd better not tell her while she's in town or else she might break something deliberately!
100 0Yes Darwen is coming to Gweden. I wonder if she'll dance on the table there?
200 0Yes Darwen is dead. The world is a little less interesting, and Gweden still short of a Wood Elf.