Skyrim: Bibliophilia

Location Apocrypha
Race Unique Gender Female
Level PC x 1 (Min 6) Class Conjurer
RefID xx001667 BaseID xx001666
Other Information
Primary Skills Destruction, Restoration
Perks ???
Class Details Witchblade
Moral. No Crime Aggress. Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Librarian comic version
Librarian game version

Mora chose her for the job because it suited her. She has an affinity for the subject matter, and an inquiring mind. He knows that she will add to his collection of knowledge with the results of her own research.

The inspiration came from a cartoon by Markydaysaid, entitled "At the Summit of Apocrypha" and clearly named after the Skyrim quest. He has graciously granted permission for her to appear in the game. I had to adapt a custom outfit for her, and that may become a separate download at some point. Fortunately, eyeglasses, earrings and a few other items were available already.

She should divide her time between sleeping and sandboxing in her bed room , and working in the sorting room. After you build more rooms, she may acquire additional packages, depending on the configuration of the home.
