
Location Fort Black Boot
Race Xivilai Gender Female
Level PC+10 Class Healer
RefID xx02365A BaseID xx023659
Other Information
Respons. 50 Aggress. 0
Faction(s) Conjurers
Aranxa on her Throne
Aranxa on her Throne.

Aranxa is a rare female Xivilai - rare in Tamriel, that is - and she really doesn't want to be in Tamriel at all. She was summoned, permanently, by a group of Altmer conjurers in Fort Black Boot, in a botched attempt to gather an army of Xivilai warriors for an attack on Riverhold in nearby Elsweyr.

She won't take part in your battle against the conjurers, as she's in their faction, and has no agression. Her preference is to return to her throne and sit down, as her head is close to the roof when she stands up!

You get the opportunity to return her if you rescue the soul of the woman who was sacrificed to Molag Bal in exchange for her. The body is lying on a slab just around the corner.


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