Fleur was originally created for Skyrim while her sister Blossom was in action in Oblivion. She joined the Bear-Riders there, as I started to create a version of the mod for the newer game. It ran into problems, and was never finished, but bear-riding, a Riders' Lodge and various other parts did get made.

The ESO instance came about when I created a character on the EU server to ensure that The Chorrolites guild retained its name over there. The founder of the NA guild had moved over to play there, and so we already had a member, even if there wasn't a guild yet. After a quick ten levels, the guild was created. Once we had enough players, it got the same heraldry, and a guild bank.

Fleur was intended to be a crafter, utility group member, etc. She is normally a dual-weild DPS, but has a tank set of equipment in reserve, with many of the skills developed in sword and board to taunt and hold and debuff.

Race Urc
Class Dragonknight
Alliance Daggerfall Covenant
Weapons Dual Axes and bow (all spriggans')
Armour 5xHunding's, 2 Misc
Jewelry Spriggan's
Outfit Wood Elf Jack II + Pauldrons + Gauntlets, Ancient Elf Guards, Orc Sabatons + Belt
Mount Sorrel
Home Hunding's Palatial Hall (Guildhall)