Lacrimosa Magpyar

Having created a werewolf character, so that the Guild could offer bites, the next on the list was a vampire. I'd just re-read Terry Pratchett's "Carpe Jugulum" so the clear choice was Lacci. Well, maybe not totally clear, as Salacia Humpeding from the later "Thud" was another possibility. But Sally has short hair, and I wanted long, so Lacci won.

I made her an Imperial as an excuse to get the race on the EU server, and Nightblade was the best fit for a vampire. And since becoming a vampire made her pale, she gets some colour back in her costume.

Race Imperial
Class Nightblade
Alliance Ebonheart Pact
Weapons Fire staves (Seducer)
Armour Julianos
Jewelry Seducer
Monster Set TBD
Costume Buoyant Gentility
Mount Imperial
Home Ravenhurst