Laurie Craft

Created to be a dedicated crafter, she disagreed with me and developed tanking skills (as DragonKnights will), so she gets about more than was originally planned. She still does all the equipment crafting, and furnishing, for the crew. There are enough skill points in the game to let her do both.

The costume was acquired early on, but she's had a number of different hair styles before we tried the braids.

"Do these draw even more attention to my boobs?"

"Yes, they do."


Race Redguard
Class DragonKnight
Alliance Daggerfall Covenant
Weapons Sword and Board on both bars. (Green Pact)
Armour Heavy (Song of Lamae)
Jewelry Green Pact
Monster Set Mighty Chudan
Costume Sand-kissed Salwar
Mount Hammerfell Camel
Home Twin Arches